Tuesday, November 11, 2008

InBizness 2.7 Changes For Campaigns, Events, Staff And Timecards

The campaign module had a number of changes added for version 2.7 and working with campaign events has never been more powerful.

Added a tab within the campaign module to facilitate sending Batch Email actions to contacts that are related to that campaign record.

After selecting the contacts you want to link, you can type in an email subject, message and even include a file enclosure. You can click a single button to create one email with all the contacts email addresses in the BCC field and transfer that email to your FileMaker compatible email application.

The events module had a few smaller updates, mostly to make the process of entering data a little easier and more productive.

Added button "Add Similar Event" to the Events dialog to create events with the same linked client / campaign.This is very similar to a duplicate record command but allows you to change some of the key fields.

Added a text button next to the event details in the event dialog layout to insert from the last record visited. This can be quite useful when you are entering a batch of events that are very similar in nature.

The event and timecard tabs in the staff module allow you to see those related records via a date range. There are a number of buttons that allow you to quickly set the start and end dates. For version 2.7, we added a button in the events & timecard tabs to set the date range to yesterday.

Timecard records can be linked to almost every module within the InBizness system. For version 2.7 Of InBizness, we added buttons and associated scripts to view related Campaigns, Staff and Events from a Timecard record.

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