Saturday, August 16, 2008

FAQ: Accommodate Normal Business Requirements

From Dwayne Wright - Certified FileMaker 9 Developer
TWITTER: dwaynewright

QUESTION: Does your business system accommodate all the normal business requirements?

ANSWER: I’m afraid that I would have to say that normal business requirements is something few people would agree upon. Particularly in a day and age in which business requirements are changing rapidly. Ten years ago, the ability to interface with email not be considered a normal business requirement but today it does (in my opinion).

Currently InBizness Supports business modules such as Clients, Contacts, Vendors, Staff, Leads, Proposals, Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices, Payments, Inventory, Campaigns, Emails, Events, Media, Purchase Orders, Vendor Bills, Finances (check writing included), Bank Deposits, Timecards, Office Equipment, Office Software, Mileage recording, Credit Memos, Return Merchandise Authorizations and Customer Support tracking. Each of these modules are open for customization to a particular users business needs.

Some would say that the ability to customize a business tool to the unique needs of a business is normal. However, QuickBooks does not allow that capability and they are the largest seller of business software on the planet. Talking about QuickBooks ...

There isn’t any double entry accounting features within InBizness. However, previous versions of InBizness have been connected successfully to QuickBooks. There are companies and products that specialize in this type of integration. Here are some links to information about those products and services.

SolutionMakers Inc. - 123Synch

Productive Computer - FMBooksConnector
Happy Software - FileBooks Link
More info about the author and FileMaker in general, contact me at

© 2008 - Dwayne Wright -

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