Sunday, November 2, 2008

FAQ: Blending Into An Update

QUESTION: How do I incorporate my changes in the version of InBizness I purchased with a new version that comes out? Are you sure my changes will be compatible with your new features.

ANSWER: A FileMaker Developer that offers open FileMaker solutions, has a more difficult enhancement path than others. That is because our users probably have already implemented design changes of their own. Their changes may not work well with our enhancements. We don’t have the ability to easily integrate the changes our clients have made to a previous version. There is no easy way around this problem.

As an open framework developer, all I can do is try to explain what is within each update. If you decide to purchase the update, there will need to be a blending of the two. In most cases, users have a copy of FileMaker Advanced and they harvest the code from the update and place it within their version of InBizness. After doing the appropriate testing, they roll out this new blended version to their users.

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