Tuesday, February 23, 2010

FAQ: About InBizness


I've been looking at InBizness and have a few questions about it:

1- Is inbizness a locked solution in any way, is there a limit to customization?

2- Would your solution work with IWP/CWP? If so, how well does the experience translate?

3- Do you have to physically ship inbizness?, (we are located in Barcelona...) :-)


Thanks for your interest in InBizness. InBizness is not locked in any way. All elements are open for your individual customizations. None of the InBizness packages are designed for the web. So you would need to review what your web needs are, what the FileMaker limitations on the web are and then customize InBizness accordingly. In some cases, this is minor and in some case time consuming. None of these changes are that challenging technically, it is just layout and script tweaks to make the experience web compatible. InBizness is small enough to ship as an email enclosure, so delivery is almost instant!

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