Thursday, December 18, 2008

The InBizness Relationship Graph Read Me

I recently tweaked the relationship graph for the upcoming InBizness 2.8 release of InBizness. I thought I’d go ahead and include a draft of the read me document that is within the graph itself and include a snapshot.

Thank you for investing in InBizness by! InBizness is a very robust FileMaker CRM product and has a very intense relationship graph to support all the connections within the database. We decided to implement the classic Anchor / Buoy design methodology for InBizness. If you are unfamiliar with Anchor / Buoy design, there are multiple resource articles on the internet including articles on our FileMaker Relationships Explored blog.

The graph itself is currently organized into three large vertical columns. The first is dedicated mostly to the staff and staff dashboard related features. This area will be growing significantly over time. The second column will contain base table anchors starting with the letter A through the letter H and is organized into alphabetical order. The third column will contain base table anchors starting with the letter I through the letter J and is organized into alphabetical order. You can quickly navigate to a base table by using a type ahead feature. For example to quickly jump to the base table occurrence anchor for the Leads module, simply start typing L E A and you will see the relationship graph quickly lead to that associated table occurrence.

Click this image to get a larger view of a small portion of the relationship graph.

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