Sunday, December 28, 2008

Looking back and forward

Originally created back in 1992 using FileMaker 2.0. InBizness was a multiple flat file solution based upon my experiences of building software packages for various Macintosh mail order companies located out of Austin Texas. When FileMaker 3.0 came out, InBizness was completely rewritten to take advantage of FileMaker 3.0 new relationship features. Made many modest updates to the system until 2004, when FileMaker 7 came out. To take advantage of the single file / multiple table features in FileMaker 7, another complete rewrite of the system took place.

In January of 2008, I found myself without a full time job and looking forward to having more control of the FileMaker design muscles I used on a day in / day out basis. I decided to look back at my almost two decades of experiences and roll out a collection of smaller and controlled updates to the package. So in 2008, seven updates rolled out for the InBizness product which included the introduction of many new modules, a new user interface and extensive documentation in the form of blog posts and tutorial movies. Also applied for and was granted FileMaker Small Business Application status, which allows me to bundle FileMaker 9 and FileMaker 9 Server for customers needing these products.

With the exception of a manufacturing element, I have most of the modules in place for the future. Some of the modules I have in place are not as robust as they could be and I think smaller incremental updates to these modules is still the way to go. At this stage, I think InBizness is in good shape to start leveraging the power of others. This includes including features provided by third party plug-ins, instant web publishing and external data sources such as SQL tables. I would like to take the documentation of the product up another level as well. I feel committed that documenting the solution is still the best quality assurance process for products such as this.

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